Amazing processes are busily revealing themselves in the search for my ever so complex preliminary arachnids. They have to nestle right onto the building, natural-like…and so its quite complicated. The angle of the armory roof is such, and the view from the space needle is such, that I must paint this with an obscenely exaggerated stretch to it.
I have made models and photographed them on site to get the shadows just right…and here, gentle reader, is a preview of what I will be sketching on the roof tomorrow:
What is so interesting is that the shadow really ends up remaining unaffected. But because of the steeper angle on the backside of the roof, this male (and not its shadow) has a seriously cool skew to it all. This skew will make it look very 3D and with the shadow will make it look like it is really propped up off the roof. I will have to paint this awkwardness with my mind (via this grid) and not con mi corazon, like usual.
For reference, the boxes are each 10 foot sections…so the painting will be massive times 2.